Sales Executive

Cees Potters

Cees helps people to see and understand data. Contact Cees if you want to know more about licences, projects, availability, costs etc.


During my Small Business & Retail Management studies, I came into contact with various aspects of the business world. There were subjects on marketing, but also on sales. An internship in the marketing team of Knorr at Unilever taught me a lot about marketing. My personal qualities tend more towards a sales role. I have been interested in software for a long time now; I am intrigued by how processes can be optimised using software. I came into contact with The Information Lab via via. This is where my interest in software and a challenging sales role come together. 

It gives me energy to find out, together with people, where opportunities or problems lie and then to work on them together. Preferably by asking each other as many questions as possible. I also like to play hockey and cycle, so if you have any questions about that, chances are good that we can have a nice conversation! 

If you have questions about how to become more data-driven, please contact me or one of my colleagues.

