Alteryx Consultant

Ben Holland

Ben helps people to see and understand data, specializing in Tableau. He focuses on visual data analysis and helps clients translate business needs into interactive, and effective business dashboards.


Graduated as an MSc in Geo-Information Sciences, Ben is an expert in spatial data. During his internship at The Infomation Lab, Ben explored the world of machine learning and predictive analysis.

With experience with project-based work, client requirements and expectations, dashboard creation, and eagerness to learn, Ben can contribute to answering important (spatial) business questions.



IT Skills


Personal blogs from Ben


The Book Club Ep.7

Tania Peitzker – “Uses and Risks of Business Chatbots” In this episode of The Book Club I will be summarising a book which in this last year has become increasingly

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The Book Club Ep.6

Navigating the Era of Big Data: Insights from "Big Data" by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier In this episode of the book club, we look into the world of Big

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