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What is Data and Content Governance?

Governance is nothing more than setting up processes, guidelines and agreements to manage and distribute data and content securely. All this to create a self-service BI environment and to let people answer questions themselves with data.

Data and Content Governance each contain six aspects that are necessary to set up processes.

Data Governance

The goal of Data Governance is to make data readily available to the right people in the organisation at the right time when they need it in order to take action.

Data governance in a self-service BI environment is not about limiting access to a few users. It's about giving broad groups of users proper control over data. For example, business users willhave a greater need for access to secure and shared data sources. This is in order to answer questions directly. A data analyst, on the other hand, will have a greater need for details, self-development of dashboards and linking of data.


What processes exist to ensure accuracy, completeness, reliability & relevance? How do I ensure that my data is safe? These are questions that are addressed in data governance. We provide advice on creating ETL processes from multiple data sources. We also help you to get a complete overview of your data, for example using Tableau Catalog.

Content Governance


The purpose of Content Governance is to set up processes related to keeping the data relevant and accurate. Think about insight into whether the data gets the expected number of visitors or why certain dashboards are not used. We help organisations to draw up checklists and to establish standard work processes such as:

  • How are workbooks and dashboards shared in the organisation?
  • How do you validate whether a dashboard meets the correct calculations, format, house style, performance, etc.?
  • How do you publish a workbook to a secure project environment, including certification?
  • Understanding content creation and use

When there is a proliferation of dashboards with different designs, we are regularly asked how identity can be monitored within the organisation. Dashboards must be assessed and validated before they are published or shared with end users. We do this by means of checklists and standard templates.


Do you also work with Governance?

Every organisation is different, perhaps there are already a number of standard processes in place or your goal is to set up a self-service BI environment. This requires a customised plan. Contact us so that we can understand your wishes. Want to know more about a data-driven culture? Read more here or read our blog articles.