dbt (tool voor het bouwen van gegevens) stelt analytics-engineers in staat om gegevens in hun datawarehouses te transformeren door simpelweg SQL select-statements te schrijven. dbt zorgt ervoor dat deze...
The traditional data team consisted of data engineers and data analysts. Where data engineers were responsible for supplying the analysts with the data they required. This meant Extracting the...
Tijdens onze laatste trainingsessies , kregen we de feedback dat het de cursisten ontzettend zou helpen als ze een cheat sheet zouden hebben. Met het oog op het “Open...
Programs like Alteryx have opened up the world of ETL to other people besides programmers and have made it possible for people with a lot of domain knowledge to...
In the previous articles, we’ve started manually loading data into Snowflake and created a script to automatically download the data from the web and upload it to an S3...
Last week, I wrote a blog about downloading data, uploading it to an S3 bucket, and importing it into Snowflake (which you can find here). Now it’s time to...
You’ve seen and heard us talk a lot about Snowflake with a lot of enthusiasm at The Information Lab but once you’re ready to get your hands dirty (or...
While working on some data and importing a few files from an s3 bucket, Snowflake encountered an error that took me too long to figure out: Field delimiter ‘,’...
Tijdens gesprekken met mogelijke klanten en concullega’s in het veld horen we steeds vaker dat begrippen zoals Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), Machine Learning (M.L.) en andere buzzwords door elkaar heen...