Embarking on the journey to learn Power BI is an exciting endeavor that promises to unlock the world of data visualization and business intelligence. As a beginner, navigating through...
This blog is part of a series. You can find the first one here. When you are starting a new project, you want to start with clarifying the why,...
Alteryx and Documentation Alteryx is a great data analytics platform that empowers users to blend, prep, and analyse data with ease, streamlining complex workflows and enabling informed decision-making. With...
In deze blog bekijken we waarom organisaties zoveel baat kunnen hebben bij dbt (data build tool). We kijken daarbij naar een aantal van de belangrijkste sterke punten. Business Intelligence...
This blog is part of a serie. You can find the first one here. Setting expectations with your direct team, your manager, your customer or the people you collaborate and...
Diving into Financial Data and Modelling In today’s Book Club blog, we’re going to be delving into the world of finance, guided by the pages of Simon Benninga’s “Financial...
Alteryx 2023.1 Alteryx 2023.1 was released earlier in the year and as a keen Alteryx user it is important to stay up to date with the latest features. This...
You want your production environment to work smoothly and never break. And who doesn’t? So you set a standard for yourself and your team to run a dbt build before every...
De jaarlijkse dbt conferentie is helaas alweer achter de rug. Hoog tijd om een aantal hoogtepunten van dbt Coalesce 2023 te bespreken! Allereerst, wat is dbt? dbt staat voor...