Alteryx 2023.1 – Control Containers explained

5 juni 2023 Arjan Loogman

Alteryx 2023.1 comes shipped with Control Containers. I am particularly excited about his new type of container, as it gives...

Alteryx 2023.1 – new ‘between’ formula

26 mei 2023 Arjan Loogman

Amongst the new features of Alteryx 2023.1 is a new formula function called 'between'. It helps you find values that...

#TC23: Meer features en ontwikkelingen in Tableau

23 mei 2023 Tim Bakker

TC23, de Tableau conferentie van dit jaar, is alweer even achter de rug. Zo’n 8000 leden van de #DataFam kwamen...

How to test your row access policies

Snowflake offers us the possibility to restrict user access to data within a table. We can use row access policies...

Proportional Brushing with Tableau Set Actions

19 mei 2023 Emre Oktay

Background Proportional Brushing is one of the most common techniques used with set actions in Tableau. It is a popular...

Configuring Your macOS Prompt

Configuring Your macOS Prompt is an essential step in setting up your command line interface (CLI) to suit your preferences...

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