Welcome Back! Welcome back to the book club, today I am delving into another book that I have recently finished and felt the need to share with you all....
Automation with Alteryx In the fast-paced world of data analytics, efficiency and automation are the name of the game. That’s where Alteryx Server comes in. This powerhouse platform gives...
Which Algorithm? Choosing the right predictive tool in Alteryx Designer can be challenging, as there are many different options available and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses....
What is The Book Club? Welcome to The Book Club! The goal of this book club is to provide valuable insights and perspectives on books related to data, visualisation,...
Predictive Analytics using Machine Learning Algorithms Part 1: Selecting and preparing your data Welcome to the first blog of this predictive data analytics and machine learning series. During this...
Using your data to predict the future! Predictive Analytics using Machine Learning Algorithms Do you want to stay ahead of the competition by making informed decisions about the future?...